Inglorious: Conflict In The Uplands

Mark Avery discusses his latest work

Driven grouse shooting, where flocks of Red Grouse are chased by lines of beaters so that they fly over lines of guns, is a peculiarly British fieldsport. It is also deeply rooted in the British class system. This multi-million pound business dominates the hills of the north of England and Scotland. Grouse shooting is big business. Very big business. Backed by powerful, wealthy lobbying groups, it's tendrils run throughout British society. Inglorious makes the case for banning driven grouse shooting. The facts and arguments are presented fairly but the author, Mark Avery, states from the start why he has, after many years of soul-searching, come down in favour of an outright ban. Ever-controversial, Mark Avery is guaranteed to stir up a debate about fieldsports, the countryside and big business in a book that all British conservationists will want to read.


Housmans Bookshop, King's Cross

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