Shah Rukh Khan, the second highest paid actor in the world, is heading to London for the first time in over a decade – and we're opening up our VIP suite to celebrate. This is gonna be some epic Bollywood. Expect A-list actors, choreographers and directors, including darling of the silver screen Deepika Padukone. Book now for a fantastic and exclusive VIP experience.
Highlights of the night:
- VIP fast-track entry
- seating in YPlan's exclusive VIP suite
- the private suite's lounge and bar area, with waiter service (drinks not included in ticket price)
- after-party fun in the VIP American Express lounge
Valid ID required for the bar; the bar reserves the right to refuse service. By purchasing this ticket you are agreeing to the T&Cs of The O2. Your ticket will be emailed to you by our customer service reps after purchase. You will need to print them at home.
The O2, North Greenwich
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